The idea was to change the reservation system to be more usable for group reservations.
The system will have a new reservation status.
The operator will be able to create a quote reservation that can be confirmed after guest approval.
The operator can set a deposit % to be paid for the quote, so guests can confirm and pay the deposit online.
The operator will now be able to keep the totality of the deposit or refund it.
Guest will be able to confirm the reservation and (option) make a deposit or full payment from the reservation link.
Quote (No holding on product capacity)
Confirmed (holding on product capacity + deposit (option))
Paid (Fully paid and transform into a transaction)
Cancelled (Reservation has been cancelled)
- Add a private note to a reservation that will be displayed on the reservation detail at the POS.
- Add a public note to a reservation that will be visible for a guest on the quote from the reservation link on Ecommerce.
How to set it up
Taking a reservation
Let’s start by taking a reservation from the POS (Back Office → Point of Sale). When adding products to the cart you will see a button reserve at the bottom right of the screen.
2. When Clicking on Reserve you will now see a reservation pop-up. This allows you to choose existing customer information or create a new one with the click-to-action button at the top.
*Note: You can search for name email, business, etc
You can also edit the reservation date from this pop-up.
Adding a Private Note
As some of you are familiar with, Konnect allows you to take private notes which was a note that will be seen on the transaction POS and is not customer-facing. We now allow you to take a public note as well which will show in the reservation link and on the PDF invoice.
The added value: Imagine the tenant has a defective ride but he has customers coming in on that day, These notes can be added here for the parc admin so that he is aware of it and he does not bring the group to that ride or he can close it off in time before their arrival.
How can I edit my private note?
Don't worry private notes are not set in stone, you can go to your reservation details and click notes again. Doing so will reveal the pop-up which will allow you to change the note and save it.
New Reservation Statuses
Before setting it up it is important to understand the core idea.
Let’s start with an easy-to-explain change,
We enhanced how the reservation status was initially done in order to give it 4 states:
QUOTE: Quote is when a customer reserves with the tenant but no capacity was reserved or allocated because no money was taken.
CONFIRMED: Confirmed is when a customer reserves with the tenant by putting in a deposit, therefore the system now allocates the reservation capacity to the end user/client.
PAID: Paid is when the client pays the tenant FULLY and now the invoice is converted to a transaction which in return changes the client’s status into paid.
CANCELLED: Cancelled is when a client decides to cancel their reservation from any state.
Actions Column new CTA
These statuses are automated however there are manual actions that can be performed from the actions column in the reservation details.
QUOTE status
A quote reservation status is often seen as a verbal agreement or a reservation without a deposit. This means we do not lock any ticket capacity/places for the reservation but we keep it so we can do a follow-up.
A quote status customer’s status will change once he executes a deposit or a payment on it.
A QUOTE customer can be moved to status CONFIRMED by making a deposit on the reservation, once the payment is taken this switch is automatic
A QUOTE customer can be moved to status PAID if the FULL payment has been taken for the reservation, once the payment is taken this switch is automatic
A QUOTE customer can be moved to status CANCELLED by cancelling the reservation in the details directly from the actions menu in the reservation tab
These changes in status can also be done from the actions column. This switch is manual (see above)
Payment can be taken 3 ways
Directly from the reservation detail window
From the Actions column on the overview of all reservations in the POS
The customer can do it on the eCom (if the feature is activated)
It is possible to manually convert a QUOTE status to a CONFIRMED, which will validate the reservation and lock the inventory with them.
To do so the POS will display a CTA to Confirm, once pressed it will ask you to confirm the action (see below)
A confirmed reservation status is when a deposit or a manual conversion has been done on a QUOTE reservation. Once confirmed we now allocate the inventory from the tenant to the customer.
A CONFIRMED customer can be moved to status PAID if the FULL payment has been taken for the reservation, once the payment is taken this switch is automatic
A CONFIRMED customer can be moved to status CANCELLED by cancelling the reservation in the details directly from the actions menu in the reservation tab
These changes in status can also be done from the actions column. This switch is manual (see above)
Payment can be taken 2 ways
Directly from the reservation detail window
By the customer directly from the e-commerce
PAID status
Once the reservation is paid in full, then the reservation moves to the status to PAID
POS view
From the POS, it's possible to send the reservation link to the customer or view the transaction PDF from the two buttons seen below
Set Payment due date
This new function is in the Back Office under sales → Reservation Rules
It will allow configuring a date on when the payment is due. You can set it up in a few ways.
When a QUOTE customer should send their deposit
When a CONFIRMED customer should send their full payment
Or both
As the screenshot below demonstrates, the customer has a total of 5 days to send the FULL PAYMENT. From the moment he is a QUOTE customer he must provide the deposit within 2 days of booking the reservation from there he will have 5 - [2] to send the full payment.
Example: Today we are Feb 16th, customer has 2 days to send a deposit. He now pays on the 19th, which means he is CONFIRMED now he has 3 more days to send the full payment. NOT 5 more days because the countdown starts from the moment the reservation is taken.
NOTE: Once the due date expires we DO NOT CANCEL the reservation automatically. As an administrative courtesy, it is written on the invoice and the eCom reservation details.
Retaining Deposits
This implementation will now allow the possibility to keep a deposit amount for those last-minute cancellations. Once a reservation has been taken with a deposit, you will now have the possibility to keep that deposit upon refund by:
Preconditions set up the GL: RETAINED_DEPOSIT_GLCODE: (configured by C&G)
Finding the reservation in our reservation menu in the POS
Click on “Cancel” the red button
Click on the method by which you want to refund
Click on “retain deposit - Yes” on the modal
Click complete transaction
New Tenant Fields (Configured by C&G)
DISABLE_FULL_DEPOSIT_PAYMENT: Allows a tenant to deactivate the function for the customer to self-pay a reservation from the eCommerce V2 account portal.
RESERVATION_DEPOSIT_PERCENTAGE: Allows the tenant to set the deposit amount in percentage (% )
field value format : 15 = 15% 20 = 20% 25 = 25 % etc
You can only set one % by default per tenant. All of the tenant’s customers will obey this rule
if it is not defined, the total of the reservation must be asked the customer to pay.
RESERVATION_MANUEL_CONVERT: A CONFIRMED reservation invoice is auto-converted to a transaction when the full payment is done and the status is changed to PAID. Some tenants might not want their transactions to be converted automatically, this is why the tenant field was created
RESERVATION_MANUAL_CONVERT: Remove the possibility to convert a quote into an invoice upon full payment (CONFIRMED to PAID)
GL Codes (Configured by C&G)
DEPOSIT_GLCODE: This is the GL for deposits
RETAINED_DEPOSIT_GLCODE: This is for tenants that want to retain the deposit. For those, you will need to set this GL code so that the retained money is placed somewhere
important to note that
When a deposit is taken the value needs to show as a negative in DEPOSIT_GLCODE
If a reservation is cancelled but the deposit is kept we need to show the amount in DEPOSIT_GLCODE in positive and show in RETAINED_DEPOSIT_GLCODE the amount of the deposit in negative
When a deposit has been taken and the customer pays the balance, the amount in DEPOSIT_GLCODE should now display the deposit amount in positive and the balance after the deposit should show in Payment and the total amount of the transaction should show in Revenue in negative
IMPORTANT: Make sure you map the right deposit tenant fields with the right general ledgers as seen below.