In this article, we will show you how to create and configure a combo, in Konnect Back-Office.
Sections in this article:
- What is a combo?
- Part 1: Prerequisites
- Part 2: How to create a combo
- Part 3: How to view and complete a combo configuration
- Part 4: How to edit an existing combo
- Part 5 : Timed-base Combos
- Part 6 : Specifications & limitations of combos configuration
What is a combo?
A combo allows you to sell products in packages. More importantly, configuring combos will allow the e-commerce and POS system to automatically detect grouped products and their pricing. For example, in a promotion when a client buys 6 tickets or a hamburger and a drink - even if the combo is not selected, the system will automatically detect the products that are selected and offer the available combo pricing.
Part 1: Prerequisites
Before creating a combo, we recommend having these elements configured:
- The tag the combo will be categorized under when appearing on a salesgroup. (if applicable)
- The discount configuration. (if applicable)
- The salesgroups you would like the combo to appear on (POS/e-commerce/administration/marketing etc, and at which level, such as a Supervisor level or an Operator level).
- The general ledger codes needed to categorize the combo price for the finance
- Lastly, all the actual products need to be configured before attaching them to a combo.
➡️ Please contact your CSM to activate this feature on your environment.
Part 2: How to create a combo
On the left side menu of Connect&GO's Back-office, under Products, click Combos.
On the top, right side of the table, click Create Combo.
Fill out fields:
- Select the Product category.
If it is Active (On or Off).
Name of the combo.
The Slug (Slug is auto-populated when writing in the name. It is the title that will appear in the URL for the Ecommerce).
- The Internationalization of the name, which is the translation and display name, if any.
- The description of the product in English and French (optional)
An image that represents the combo.
The tags that the combo is associated with.
The discounts eligible for that combo.
- The detection rule percentage.
The MSRP (if applicable).
- Once finished, click Create Combo at the bottom.
Part 3: How to view and complete a combo configuration
- If not already there, under Products on the left menu of the page, click Combos.
- Click on the View (Eyeball) icon on the right side of the individual combo you would like to view and configure.
- From here, you will be able to do the following:
- View and/or edit the main details of the combo under the 'Details' tab.
- Attach the salesgroups to the combo under the 'Salesgroup' tab. Meaning you can choose where you would like to sell the combo, whether online, onsite or both. Along with the combos visibility on the salesgoup.
- Create prices per salesgroup under the 'Price' tab. Each combo can have multiple prices on different days, depending on the salesgroup context it is selling at.
- Attach the products that make up the product combination under the 'Products Combination' tab. As mentioned, whether it be 6 tickets or a hamburger and drink to receive the discount associated with the combo.
- Lastly, you can view the combo updates under the 'Audit' tab.
Part 4: How to edit an existing combo
When on the main section of Combos, click on the Edit (Pen + Paper) icon on the right side of the individual combo you would like to edit.
You can also find a shortcut to edit an individual combo, its salesgroup, prices, product types, products, account fields and question fields when you are viewing it (View (Eyeball) icon).
Part 5: Timed-base Combos
The Combos interface has been updated for both the POS and Ecommerce so users can easily manage the date & time selection for their event-based products within a combo. The combo’s page now also displays the details of the products contained within them.
Tag Page
POS users will be able to view combos directly on the tag page, as regular products. The date & time selections are also available and can expand when clicked on.
Product Description
The combo’s product description allows POS users to see what products are contained in the combo and includes a calendar to easily select the date & time for the event-based products within the combo.
The cart displays the combo in question and can expand to show the details of what’s included, as well as the date and time of visit.
if a guest wishes to re-schedule their visit, the POS user simply follows the flow for making an exchange and selects a new date. Re-scheduling a Time-based combo on POS will follow the existing exchange flow.
Tag Page
Ecommerce users will be able to view combos directly on the tag page, as regular products. The date & time selections are also available and can expand when clicked on.
Product Page
The product page allows users to gain more information on the combo including what products are contained in the combo. Again, the date & time selectors are available for the ECommerce user.
The cart displays the combo in question and can expand to show the details of what’s included, as well as the date and time of visit.
Re-scheduling Flow
The re-scheduling flow would be very similar to how ECommerce users currently re-schedule time-based events. The difference regarding time-based combos is that the calendar for re-scheduling multiple time slots would appear alongside the date selection as seen below:
Once a user has confirmed the new date & time, then a new transaction is generated and the bundled time-based products are scheduled for the selected date.
Part 6: Specifications & limitations of combos configuration
What's supported :
- The ability to manage products with same day time-based events (it can be with different event groups).
- The ability to manage products with modifiers.
- The ability to list combos on a tag page with details of the products contained there.
- The ability to re-schedule a time-based combo via Ecommerce.
- Products with Add-ons.
- Products with waivers.
- Products that are account required.
What's not supported :
- Combos do not incorporate the concept of calendar pricing, meaning a combo’s price cannot be different depending on the day.
- Combos does not manage time-based products with time-based modifiers.
- Products with modifiers will only be included in combos via the detection rule (putting a combo with modifiers inside a tag won’t display modifiers on the tag page).
- Users will not be able to complete transactions when choosing dates on different days (combo with timed-base products).