The Konnect system is supporting currently 4 types of usb printers:
1. ESC POS USB: Epson TM-88, Epson TM-20, Star Micronics (Receipt Printer)
2. BOCA B46 USB (Thermal tickets Boca Printer)
3. BOCA RFID USB (Thermal wristbands Boca Printer)
4. Honeywell USB (Points card printer)
Back End configuration
1. Create a new hardware by going to the Back Office > Configuration > Hardwares > Create Hardware
2. Attach the printer to the point of sale by going to Back Office > Configuration > Hardwares > Eye icon next to the selected printer > Point of sales
The type of printer to select depends on what it will print:
Boca_b46_usb -> Qr codes
Boca_rfid_usb -> RFID wristbands
Esc_pos_usb -> Receipt
3. [Optional] attach wallet type to point of sale hardware
This enables the system to know which printer should print specific wallet types. For example, I can have the “RFID paper” wallet type printed on a boca_rfid_usb printer and the “QR codes” wallet type printed on an esc_pos_usb printer.
Go to Configuration > Point of sales > View > Hardwares > View > Wallet types > Attach Wallet type
POS configuration
At first launch, the pos will open a window to identify the printers. This configuration can be changed later on in the settings screen. This association is saved so that you just have to do it once.
- This icon will open a window to select the usb device.
- The garbage icon will remove the association so that another USB device can be selected
- The UID chip icon is specific to rfid printers (boca_rfid_usb for now) this try to read the next uid and display it.
- The "Aa" icon Is specific to Boca printers. Use it to install a font on the Boca (ttf file). Once the font is installed, a ticket will be printed with accents and special characters. It has been tested with the Roboto Regular font. (please ONLY use Roboto font).
If a printer of type “esc_pos_usb” is attached to the POS, this printer will be used to print:
transaction receipt
batch receipt
fulfillment details receipt
QR codes and RFID wallets
Printers are selected based on the backend configuration. See Backend configuration > 3.[Optional] attach wallet type to point-of-sale hardware.
Wallets can be printed in:
Fulfillment page
Grouped fulfillment page
Wallet detail page
Uid detail page
For a mifare wallet on a POS with a Boca RFID printer, the operator can choose between scanning or printing the wallet.
Congratulations you have now configured your local USB printer!
Rfid paper wristband replacement on boca rfid
On boca rfid printer, when replacing the rfid paper wristband, the printer may have difficulties to read the uid correctly.
Before using it again, go to the settings menu and do
“print test”
“uid read test”
Routine cleaning procedures on boca rfid
Please follow the instructions provided HERE
Windows computer USB Setup
Download Zadiig :
Zadig - USB driver installation made easy
Open the software
Click on “Options“
Click on “List All Devices“
For each printer of the following list, set the driver “WinUSB (V6.1.7600…..)“
Device not listed
If the device is not listed in the device selection window, it is usually because the device driver is not installed.
Epson TM-T20III
Ensure usb interface is activated by following these instructions
Install TMUSB Device Driver v8.00b from
SPT_C31CH51001 | Epson TM-T20III Series | Thermal Printers | Point of Sale | Support | Epson US
Install, open and close
EPSON Advanced Printer Driver for TM-T20III - Windows Printer Driver - Thermal line Printer - Download - POS - Epson
Process Zadiig :
Zadig - USB driver installation made easy
Reboot the printer.