In this article, we will show you how to create a User in Connect&GO's Back-office.
What is a User?
A user is someone who has login credentials and is using the system. Each user can be configured differently, some users will have more or less rights than others. E.g.: You operate an amusement park and you do not want the Ticket Office employees to be able to process refunds or exchanges, only supervisors can do such actions. It is by configuring the user permissions that this will be possible.
PART 1: Creation
- In the left part, click on Configuration and then on Users.
- To create a User use the Create User button, give a name to your User and enter the other required information. *** Please note that fields marked with a red star are required.
a) Fistname
b) Lastname
c) Email (it doesn't have to be a real operational email but must be under an email format: as this will be the login)
d) Locale
e) Password
f) IP Address (the user needs to be within this network to be able to log in)
g) Country code (the user needs to be within this country to be able to log in) - Also, note that you can use the toggle to activate/deactivate a User
- Finally, use the Create User button to register your User.
- To configure the User you just created, use the tabs at the top.
PART 2: Configuration
- If you consult the list of users, click on the VIEW (eyeball) icon on the user you wish to configure.
- All the information of the user is found in Details.
- Salesgroup allows you to attach one or more salesgroups to the user (box office, administration, web etc.).
- Location allows you to attach one or more departments. Ex: A shop.
- You can assign a UID to the user if necessary. (The UID will be used to go into supervisor mode)
- To assign one or more Roles you must use Attach and choose a Role, once done you will click on Attach role and you will then see it appear in the list.
💡Check out our pre-defined roles and/or how to configure personalized roles - Assigned permissions are the tab used to configure user permissions. It is possible to add/remove permissions and in the end, save using Update.
PART 3: How to edit an existing User
Click on the EDIT (Pen + Paper) icon on the right side of the individual user you would like to edit. You can also find a shortcut to edit an individual user when viewing it (VIEW (Eyeball) icon).