View Ids
Allow users to see ids from each item in the Back-Office in order to find it in the database.
Manage Products
Allow users to see the « Products » tab in the Back-Office and to configure the products, combos, discounts, tags, event groups and product categories.
Manage Transaction
Allow users to see the « Sales » tab in the Back-Office and to access the details of the transactions.
Manage Experiential
Allow users to see the « Play&GO » tab within the Back-Office and therefore create new characters, missions, badges, trivia and settings.
Manage Waiver
Allow users to create and manage waivers within the Back-Office (Only available if Waiver is active)
Manage Payment Engine
Allow users to create and modify payment engines. (Configuration > Payment Engine)
View Timestamps
Allow users to see the date and time a change has been made in the system.
Manage Configuration
Allow the user to see the « Configuration » tab in the Back-Office. This will allow the user to set up or modify all the configurations. (Infos, Users, Roles, General Ledgers, Website, Taxes, Hardware, Payment Method and more.)
Manage Point of Sales
Allow users to see the « Point of sales » tab and allow them to manage and configure one or multiple points of sales.
Set Uid Status
Allow users to manage Uid status.
View Userstamps
Allow users to access the Audit tab
Manage Customization
Allow the user to see the « Customization » menu in the Back-Office in order to create custom account fields.
View Point Of Sales
Allow users to connect to one or multiple Points of sales from the Back-Office.
Manage Reservation
Allow users to manage reservations from within the POS (Modify, Cancel or Done)
Manage Websites
Allow users to manage the website component from the Back-Office.
View Reporting
Allow the user to see the « Reporting Tools » from the Back-Office and therefore generate reports.
View Trivia
Allow users to see all the Trivia from the Back-Office (Trivia button)
Manage Trivia
Grant users access to create and modify trivia. (Play&Go)
Access API Documentation
Allow user access to API Documentation. (under « Dev Tools » in the Back-Office) Only used by Developers.
Manage Kiosks
Allow users to see the Kiosks and the Kiosks Configurations tab (under the Configuration tab) in order to create and manage these ones. (only if the kiosk module is active)
Manage Access Control
Allow user to see the « Access Control » tab in the Back-Office (used to manage validities, Access Points Configuration, Access Points, Gates, Zones & Auto Scans)
Point of sales:
Manage Fraud
Activate the fraud module for the user. This allows marking a transaction as suspect and can now block/unblock a specific transaction.
Detach Wallet Account
Allow detaching a wallet from an account from the point of sale.
Manage Refunds
Allow users to do exchanges and refunds from the point of sale.
Detach Wallet Uid
Allow users to detach a Uid from a wallet to cancel it.
Manage Suspicious Transactions
Allow users to change a transaction to suspicious or validate at the point of sale.
Unflag Suspicious Transactions
Let the user allow a transaction that was flagged as suspect to be valid again. (only available if the fraud module is active).
Replace Wallet Uid
Allow users to replace a Uid from a wallet to assign a new one.
Manage Block Transactions
Allow users to block and unblock transactions.
Grant the user the capability to do refunds and managements of the lots (Validations & Adjustments) Only available on POS.
Manage Account
Allow users to see the « Accounts » tab and to be able to modify or create accounts.
Replace Wallet Account
Allow users to replace an account linked to a wallet from the point of sale.
Access Control :
View Access Control
Allow connecting to one or multiple access points from the Back-Office or an access control device.
View All Access Points
Allow users to see a list of all access points on the site. (Please note that the user requires access to login into that access point).